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TE House

The Tunis-Ellicks House

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The Tunis-Ellicks House was built in 1795 when George Mitchell bought it from Michael Pearce, a Minuteman in the Revolutionary War. The deed for 7 acres of land is dated April 22, 1795. Interestingly, the ledgers of Daniel Tunis, who lived down Millbrook Rd and had a store, show that, beginning May 9, 1795, Mitchell bought items consistent with building a house: a load of timber and half a bushel of hair (used for plaster). In 1838, a local farmer named Silas Tunis bought the farm and his descendants owned the house until 1923. Eva and Lee Ellicks sold the house to the township in 1968. In 1977, the Harding Township Historical Society began to restore the home as it would have appeared in the early 19th century. The house is a post-and-beam East Jersey cottage complete with a cooling room fed by the well outside. The museum features a permanent exhibit entitled A Country Life about the workings of 18th-century farms.

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Tramp House

The Tramp House is a simple stone building built about 1870 by the Morris

Overseer of the Poor as a place to stay for wandering Civil War veterans searching

the countryside for work.  By providing a place to stay, farmers protected their

barns from accidental fires by the men trying to cook or keep warm. The men

would work on the farms in exchange for a safe and warm place to sleep.

Online Exhibits

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member access to our Archives. Coming Soon!

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      16 VILLAGE ROAD, PO Box 1776 

      NEW VERNON, NJ  07976

      Phone: 973-292-3661




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