Your contribution supports the preservation of our collections, interpretive events, lectures, and student awards.

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The Harding Township Historical Society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.
The Harding Township Historical Society appreciates your support!
If you prefer to send us a check through regular mail, please do so at HTHS 16 VILLAGE ROAD, PO Box 1776, NEW VERNON, NJ 07976.

Historical Documents
& Objects
The Harding Township Historical Society accepts donations of documents, photographs and objects directly relating to the history of Harding Township. These items are catalogued and preserved for historic research and to display to the public.
For non-cash donations, please
use the contact form below.


Join our Board, research in the archive, or become a docent at the museum.


Stand by for HTHS merchandise.
We'll be launching our online store soon!
Did You Know?
Our town was named for Warren G. Harding ,
the 29th President of the United States.
Over 100 years ago, on May 9th, 1922, the citizens of Passaic Township voted on a referendum to incorporate the northern
section as the Township of Harding.